Today there are so many threats to your online privacy and security! Where do you even start? Well lucky for you we have put everything you need to know right here.
Want to know how to improve your online privacy? How do you stay up to date? What do you do if you have been hacked? What should you do if there is a breach? How do you update your privacy settings?
All is revealed below. Dive straight in and protect yourself right away.

Tips for Reducing Your Identity Theft Risk
What do data breaches, software and hardware security vulnerabilities, phishing emails, and malware have in common? They attempt to steal or put at ri…

Enhance Your Online Privacy and Security with These Tips
There are many threats to your online privacy and security. Some of these threats include advertisers and businesses tracking you and thieves trying t…

What You Need to Know About Peer-to-Peer Payments
Peer-to-peer payments are becoming a very popular way for friends to split the bill for a dinner, gift, tickets or other items. These services can be …

Should You Get an Ad Blocker?
The good and the bad about ad blockers: the software that removes ads and avoids malware and things. But is it all good?

Shopping for Toys? Safety and Privacy Are Important Considerations
Do you do your homework before shopping for toys? Do you make sure that you are buying toys that are appropriate for the age of the child? Here are so…

Are Your Kids' Smart Toys Safe?
Toys that connect to the internet can be a danger to your kids’ privacy. Limit the risks, now.

Are You at Risk of Medical ID Theft?
Scammers could be using your ID for prescriptions, insurance claims, and much more. Stop them cold!

What Do You Need to Know About the KRACK Wi-Fi Vulnerability?
Researchers have discovered a vulnerability in the Wi-Fi WPA2 security protocol. This vulnerability affects most devices that can use a Wi-Fi connecti…

Massive Equifax Data Breach. What You Need to Know.
On September 7, 2017, Equifax, one of the big 3 consumer credit reporting agencies, announced that sensitive information for 143 million American cons…

Staying up to Date
Should you keep your device's operating system up to date? If you don’t, you may be putting your personal and financial information at risk! This …

DNA Testing and Your Privacy
Have you considered DNA testing to determine your ancestry, health risks, or for other reasons? The direct-to-consumer DNA (or genetic) testing indust…

More Ransomware! Here's What You Need to Do
Ransomware attacks are becoming more frequent and they are targeting more and more computers. Ransomware prevents access to files on a computer usuall…

What Should You Look for in a Privacy Policy?
When was the last time you looked at a website's privacy policy? Typically, most people don't look at privacy policies unless forced. Some sites, when…

Breaking News: World-Wide Computer Hack
A global cyber-attack called the "WannaCry Virus" has hit over 150 countries, including the U.S.

Concerned About Your Privacy Online? Try These Tips
Everyday there seems to be another threat to your privacy online. Your privacy is threaten by advertisers and social media tracking you online, the co…

Hacked Email Account — What to Do
Last week I received an email from my sister. This happens a lot. I live abroad and my sister lives in Holland. Email is one of our main means of comm…

Who's Using Your Netflix Account?
You may not be the only one... Scammers use malware and phishing emails to grab your Netflix account details from your PC and sell your account for …

How Safe Are Your "Smart" Appliances?
All your smart appliances connected to the internet may be at risk of hacking, viruses or malware. Help reduce your potential risks with the tips in…

Google's New Privacy Policy; You May Want to Become Invisible
With Google's new privacy policy in place (June 2016), the company will now combine their huge database of web browser data (your Google searches) wit…

Another Yahoo! Data Breach. Over a Billion Users Affected.
Yahoo announced on December 14, 2016, that a major data breach occurred in 2013 which affected over 1 billion accounts. This breach is larger and is a…
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